New Patient Treatment from change

We'll sit and chat for about 30 minutes while I listen, get information from you and check your tongue and pulse, and decide if herbs will be appropriate. Then we'll head into a quiet treatment room for your acupuncture treatment, which will take about 45 minutes. You will receive a call or email prior to your appointment to verify your insurance benefits, give you some instructions, and some forms to download. In case your insurance does not cover the visit, the time-of-service discount price of $200 will be due at the time of service. Benefits may be determined based on your diagnosis, as not all conditions may be covered by your insurance. If herbs are suggested, they are to be purchased separately and are not covered by insurance, but may be covered by your HSA account. 

Please arrive 15 minutes early to fill out required forms for your visit. 

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Staff: Dr. Igor Bril