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Service:Cosmetic Acupuncture Return patient add another, change

This option is available only after your initial Cosmetic Acupuncture visit. The initial screening, exam and diagnosis are required to create a personal treatment plan. 

Your return visit will last 90-120 minutes and includes an quick exam and body balancing acupuncture treatment, followed by the cosmetic protocol that you have requested (face, neck or abdomen). A relaxing mini-facial using Meridian facial massage complements the treatment. Herbal and ortho molecular skin products are available for purchase.  If herbs and/or ortho molecular products are suggested, they are to be purchased separately.  New patients will be screened by phone prior to the appointment as some contraindications may not allow for the treatment.   

A series is required to gain the best and most lasting results. The series is 10 treatments, preferably given 2x per week for 5 weeks. Monthly maintenance visits are recommended to retain the effects of the initial series of treatments.  
Staff: Dr. Igor Bril
Date/time:Select your preferences and choose one of the openings below. (PDT)